I didn’t know much about Katharine Hepburn before I read this novel. I think I’ve seen maybe two of her films. But I got this book over a year ago at a used book sale and I figured I should sit down and read it.
I’ read Freedland’s biography of Irving Berlin for a research paper and I enjoyed it, so I bought this one.Like I mentioned, I’m not a huge Hepburn fan. Its not that I dislike her at all. I actually really enjoyed her in what I’ve seen, but I just haven’t seen enough to become a big fan.
I don’t actually know if what Freedland reported to be true is true. For all I know he could be making it all up, but from what I read, I feel like I would really love Katharine (or Kate as he calls her.) She is portrayed as incredibly headstrong and very opinionated which I definitely identify with. I found her relationship with Spencer Tracy extremely interesting and I plan to read into that more. I had of course heard of the wonderful onscreen chemistry, but had not realized they were a real life coupleThis biography is quite outdated.
It was published in 1984, 19 years before Katharine’s death in 2003. I also found it a little bit confusing. Freedland would reference something that had happened previously, but he didn’t include. I understand that Katharine had extremely long, full life, but he also skimmed over large patches, which disappointed me.
It seems to just be a summary of her life and career rather than a full fledged biography.I wouldn’t recommend this to a Hepburn fan, but if you’re like me and you don’t know much about this wonderful actress, give it a try. Just a warning, it will leave you wanting more.2.5/5 starsBook review blog: http://thebookgirlblog.wordpress.com
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