Matthew Book IV: Chapters 17-22: Volume 7 of Heavenly Citizens in Earthly Shoes, an Exposition of the Scriptures for Disciples and Youn Randy Green

ISBN: 9781491235058

Published: August 1st 2013


234 pages


Matthew Book IV: Chapters 17-22: Volume 7 of Heavenly Citizens in Earthly Shoes, an Exposition of the Scriptures for Disciples and Youn by Randy Green

Matthew Book IV: Chapters 17-22: Volume 7 of Heavenly Citizens in Earthly Shoes, an Exposition of the Scriptures for Disciples and Youn by Randy Green
August 1st 2013 | Paperback | PDF, EPUB, FB2, DjVu, audiobook, mp3, RTF | 234 pages | ISBN: 9781491235058 | 9.48 Mb

The Heavenly Citizens series serves as a tool to help the Christian understand not only what the Bible teaches us, but also how to study the Bible. Explaining what the Bible teaches is like giving someone a fish to eat. Teaching him how to studyMoreThe Heavenly Citizens series serves as a tool to help the Christian understand not only what the Bible teaches us, but also how to study the Bible.

Explaining what the Bible teaches is like giving someone a fish to eat. Teaching him how to study the Bible is like teaching someone how to fish so he can feed himself. Both approaches are essential to developing spiritual...

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