Marketing Portfolio Planner (Office 97 Version): (Serial Number Only) The Marketing Process Company

ISBN: 9780750648936

Published: February 22nd 2001



Marketing Portfolio Planner (Office 97 Version): (Serial Number Only) by The Marketing Process Company

Marketing Portfolio Planner (Office 97 Version): (Serial Number Only) by The Marketing Process Company
February 22nd 2001 | ebook | PDF, EPUB, FB2, DjVu, AUDIO, mp3, RTF | | ISBN: 9780750648936 | 9.16 Mb

Serving as a software-based portfolio analysis framework for DIY application, this title positions each product/service market so the user can quickly analyze the key segments and prioritise sales and marketing effort. It prompts and defines key dataMoreServing as a software-based portfolio analysis framework for DIY application, this title positions each product/service market so the user can quickly analyze the key segments and prioritise sales and marketing effort.

It prompts and defines key data requirements- and displays information graphically to aid understanding and communication.

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