“Generations” is a three-part mystery series. The novels each stand alone and it is not necessary to read all of them (though they are connected by back-story). Events happen to the Lewis family that reach the headlines on three separate occasions.More“Generations” is a three-part mystery series.
The novels each stand alone and it is not necessary to read all of them (though they are connected by back-story). Events happen to the Lewis family that reach the headlines on three separate occasions. In story #1, “Keen Observation” [published in 2005 as a paperback], the 1950s Lewis family, and specifically their little girl Jane, encounter a foul intruder and a horrific home invasion--with a twist. In the second story, “A Home In The Hills,” (2011 via Kindle] Jane is an adult living what she believes to be a perfect life except for her goose-bump suspicions about the strange neighbor across the street and the disappearance of his wife.
Finally, in story #3 of the trilogy, “Buzz” [2011 via Kindle], Jane’s son comes in contact with his own strange neighbors but they are not evil- it’s the people who are trying to find the neighbors who bring terror to his life.
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