Satori Blues: A Poem Cyril Wong




40 pages


Satori Blues: A Poem by Cyril Wong

Satori Blues: A Poem by Cyril Wong
| Paperback | PDF, EPUB, FB2, DjVu, AUDIO, mp3, ZIP | 40 pages | ISBN: | 6.14 Mb

Satori Blues is an extended, Zen-inspired response to writings by teachers of Buddhism & post-Buddhist philosophies. Composed as a stream of thought—at times epigrammatic, philosophical, fragmented, even exclamatory—the poem becomes a concertedMoreSatori Blues is an extended, Zen-inspired response to writings by teachers of Buddhism & post-Buddhist philosophies. Composed as a stream of thought—at times epigrammatic, philosophical, fragmented, even exclamatory—the poem becomes a concerted movement within a space of meditation, as well as a sustained, psychological record of a yearning towards spiritual truth & clarity.

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